Never Ever Give Up Hope

Do Mistakes of Your Past Define Your Present?



Thad Cummings went from having a family,  a seven figure net worth, multiple businesses and a non-profit to being broke, family-less and facing death.  As he lie staring up at a ceiling in an empty apartment with a cell-phone that was now silent, he wondered where it all went wrong. In his interview, Thad answers questions like: What to do when the phone goes silent?  What is more important -- proving you are right or the other person is wrong? What does 'redefining enough' mean? How do you measure success?   IF YOU LET THE PAIN AND MISTAKES OF YOUR PAST DEFINE YOUR PRESENT....   YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A FUTURE Thad Cummings is the author of "Running From Fear" and "Weathering the Corporate Storm." He speaks and holds seminars on all matters of fear, worth and redefining enough. He is passionate about bringing new conversations to the landscape where all voices are heard, barriers are broken, and the polarization of our community is diminished. Thad Cummings ran social enterprises and non-profits for nearly