Never Ever Give Up Hope

How to Find Love on Craigslist



How does a 62-year-old woman who's never been married find happiness with a two-time widower seeking his third wife on . . . Craigslist!? Does she throw caution to the wind and relinquish her freedom, or should she take a crash course in compromises? B. Lynn Goodwin owns Writer Advice, Her memoir, Never Too Late: From Wannabe to Wife at 62 was released in December.  It was a National Indie Excellence Award Winner and a two-category finalist at Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In addition, she has written You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers and Talent, which was short-listed for a Literary Light box Award, won a bronze medal in the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards and was a finalist for a Sarton Women’s Book Award. Goodwin's work has appeared in Voices of Caregivers, Hip Mama, Dramatics Magazine, Inspire Me Today, The Sun, Good, Purple and many others. She is a reviewer and teacher at Story Circle Network, and an editor, writer and manuscrip