Never Ever Give Up Hope

Learning How to Rewire the Autistic Brain



Anita Lesko is an award-winning author and speaker.  She has a Master's of Science degree in nurse anesthesia specializing in neurosurgery, organ transplants, trauma/burns, and joint replacement surgery for the past three decades.  Anita was a guest speaker at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC for World Autism Awareness Day. She is on the panel of the Autism Spectrum with the Autism Society of America.  She is a certified life coach specializing in the Autism Life Skills Coaching, Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching and Health Care Professional Coaching, and Executive/Corporate Coaching.  Using visualization since childhood, Anita Lesko re-wired her autistic brain which enabled her to fit into the mainstream with a successful career, happy marriage, and fulfilling life.  She is about to change the lives of millions on the autism spectrum.     Anita did not discover she was autistic until age 50 Dr. Tony Attwood:  "Anita's book is a bridge between our knowledge of the neurology of autism and