Never Ever Give Up Hope

Do You Compromise to Please Others?



Jothi Dugar beat the odds over serious health issues and severe depression as a result of never giving up.  Do you know anyone who was raised with the sense that a compliment only feeds the ego? During her interview, she shares how you don't have to compromise just to please others. You never have to take the lower road. Jothi has an amazing story everyone can relate to: "I have always believed, even as a young woman, to ask for what I want and know that I deserve everything I can dream of." Nothing stopped her from achieving her goals. Jothi Dugar is a pioneer in the field of healthcare cybersecurity and one of the only female Chief Information Security Officers in the world. Only 1% are in executive leadership positions.   Jothi is a highly sought after international public speaker on a variety of topics, an author, mentor, and health and wellness life coach. Her lifelong commitment is to empower people to take charge of their health, career, and life. As Director of BollyNatyam Masala, a local