Never Ever Give Up Hope

Are You a Victim? Or Someone Who Wants a Better Life?



Have you had to survive staggering loss in your life? Robin Cote is a widow who also lost her young daughter but taught herself how to heal in spite of life's sometimes-ugly dealings. Robin is a survivor, not only of loss but also of domestic violence, verbal and emotional abuse, rape and bullying. She is an outspoken advocate for victims. Through all she has endured, "VICTIM" will never be a word use to describe Robin. Her journey started when she was raped as a teenager. Robin's father didn't believe her and wouldn't call the cops. He said she deserved it because she had a sip of beer (which had been drugged) and her mother didn't comfort her. From that point on, she KNEW she was on her own. Robin Cote is a radio and show business personality, author, transformational coach and motivational speaker with a no-nonsense attitude. Robin’s story, “Victim No More!” is her personal journey through the morass of abuse and loss, ultimately revealing her own self-worth, preservation, and accountability. It's Up To Yo