Never Ever Give Up Hope

There is New Hope for Mutlple Sclerosis Patients



Kim "Kid" Curry was a high school junior when his father, the radio newsman, asked him to babysit for his boss at the radio station. Kim assumed it was to babysit the boss' kids but it was to 'run' the actual news show. The radio station played the local church services from the previous week and no one wanted the job.   From that moment, Kim knew what he wanted to do as a career and has been a broadcaster for 33 years. Then a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis changed his life. After eight years of failing health, modern science gave him hope by halting the progression of the disease. At the height of popularity for radio stations and DJs in the 70s and 80s, Curry blazed a trail for himself as “Kid” Curry. His iconic, “Bed Check” segment, helped propel him to star status in Miami and it followed him during his over the 20-year path to the dream job of Major Market Program Director. The perks of the job, including hanging out with music legends, being invited to the White House, meeting Johnny U and a Watergat