Studentpreneur Podcast: Stories Of Students Who Are Entrepreneurs | Student Entrepreneur | Young Entrepreneur |

#30: Apply your entrepreneurial mind to picking your university curriculum smartly with Owen Yang, (replay)



Meet this week awesome studentpreneurs: Owen Yang, 22  years old, who just finished a Commerce degree Business and Arts at the University of New South Wales (USNW) and is currently running Activ Pass. He was listed as one of Smart Company's top 30 Under 30 Entrepreneurs for 2014. Owen's company:  Gowning Street is attempting to disrupt the University Graduation gown rental model. Rather than paying $80-$100 to rent your gown (Might as well rent a BMW at the same rate), you can own your gown for $69.   Sets available for:  - USyd, Newcastle Uni, Southern Cross Uni, Melbourne Uni, RMIT, Victoria Uni, UTAS, Adelaide Uni, UniSA, QUT, UQ, USQ. Wrap up: Each studentpreneurs' story is different and what works for some people doesn't for others, however, I'd like to point out of few things in Owen's journey that are quite exciting:He saw an opportunity when he ran into the pain point of signing up for a special training for an entrance test, that's when he realised he could make money thro