Unscripted With Nell Daly

What Do Enlightened People Look Like and How Do They Feel with Jess Lively



Jess Lively, podcast host of The Jess Lively Show (which has over 10 million downloads) do a  deep dive on all things spiritual. We talk channeling, how to achieve flow states, and openly challenge the popular stereotype of what an enlightened being looks like (usually a man). We finish off the conversation trying to articulate what is must feel like to be an enlightened master and how ones goes about “achieving” enlightenment. Can we all “live outside our heads?” This episode is a ride, so hold on.      Jess is honest and raw and the conversation took me to a place I didn't expect.  I find Jess brave to talk about her spiritual beliefs so openly.  You're going to hear some of my experiences as well that may, for some, be a bit woo woo.  We speak quickly and you'll hear two women trying to articulate some very complex topics.    For more information on my journey and concepts around consciousness hit some of my earlier episodes, especially those with Dr. Eben Alexander.    Books and concepts mentioned in th