Let's Talk Bruh

2 Black Men Talking About Love



When's the last time you sat down and talked about love? When's the last time you talked about love more than the romantic type? Today we dive deep into love and relationships and we do so with a little help from licensed therapist Bashea Williams. This week on Let's Talk Bruh we talk about love, relationships and what all this means for us as men in both romantic and platonic relationships. Most of the time, girls are socialized to think about love at a much earlier age than boys so by the time we are of age we have no idea how to love. We have no idea to define love and we have no idea why love is something important for us to consider. In addition to a lengthy conversation on love, we talk about relationships AND Jeremy starts the show with a slight monologue on something called, "The Relationship Escalator." This Week in Masculinity: Jidenna, Snoop, and Reese & Faith A few resources used in this week's episode: Riding the Relationship Escalator Follow Bashea on Instagram Follow Let's Talk Bruh on T