Let's Talk Bruh

Porn & Masturbation: How Much is Too Much?



We live in a culture where porn is only a smartphone and a couple taps away. It's literally at our fingertips.  It's never been this accessible.  And for many of us, we've had access to an unlimited supply of porn since the age of 10 so where do we draw the line between healthy habit and addiction? Today we try to find some answers. On previous episodes, you may have heard us say that masturbating is a good form of self care, which it is. However it's important to be aware of when that self love we rightfully owe ourselves becomes dangerous as it may get in the way of our daily responsibilities, relationships, and our actual sex lives. So on this episode we talk about our struggles to find a healthy relationship with porn. But we also discuss the benefits of masturbating and even creative ways to masturbate without using porn.  A few resources used in this episode: Masturbation Effects on Your Health: Side Effects and Benefits - Healthline Here's how to know if you're masturbating too much - Buzzfeed Does f