Let's Talk Bruh

Men Are Trash. Not Me Though. Yes, Definitely You.



We've all seen the phrase, #MenAreTrash, so need for a long introduction.  And for many of us men folk, we have a tendency to either 1) dismiss the phrase completely or 2) assume those tweets ain't talking about us because we know we ain't trash.  And if that's your response? We're challenging you to change your perspective. Today I was joined by my good friend Backpack Matt from the Over The Shoulder Podcast to tackle all things related to the men are trash movement, where it stems from, why we can't resort to, "Not all Men" or "Not Me", our experiences embodying trash behavior and how we can collectively hold ourselves accountable to not be trash.   A few resources mentioned in this week's episode: "Straight black men are trash": Do I have to agree? - Salon Here's Why Women Really Say "Men Are Trash" - Refinery Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People - Very Smart Brothas A Woman’s Response To ‘Straight Black Men Are The White People Of Black People’ - Huffington Post “Men are trash”: