Let's Talk Bruh

From We Real Cool to We Just Real | What Makes Us Enough as Black Men? (Live Show)



We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks We real cool. We Left school. We   Lurk late. We Strike straight. We   Sing sin. We Thin gin. We   Jazz June. We    Die soon.   “What’s cooler than being cool?” - Andre 3000   What does it mean to be cool? What does it mean to be you? They say the Black man is the coolest man on the planet. But how can we go from real cool to just real? What makes us enough? This episode we dive into a conversation on what's cool and Black manhood with Jason Rosario. We talk about about our "cool" heroes and interrogate if we still think they're cool or not.   This episode is heavily inspired by bell hook's book entitled, "we real cool" which shares the same name as the Gwendolyn Brooks poem. In "we real cool" bell suggests that real cool is...”defined by black males daring to self define rather than being defined by others.” Do you agree?   We also talk about how because of how Black men are positioned in media, is that level of coolness possible for all of us? Is cool available for just anyo