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63 | Five Pillars: How to Build a Humane Workplace Culture with Dr Jerry Gule



In this episode of the Building Better Cultures podcast, Scott explores the Five Pillars for a Human Workplace with his guest, Dr. Jerry Gule, who has devoted a rich human resources career to working in multiple capacities towards creating healthy, inclusive workplace cultures. As CEO of the Institute of People Management in Johannesburg, South Africa, Jerry has had a front seat on the huge challenges and transformations that have occurred since apartheid ended a quarter century ago. He has helped managers proactively enfranchise workers and invite honest exchanges. He explains exactly how effective internal communications reflect enlightened leadership and transmit a message of inclusion, purpose and safety that resonates among personnel at every level.   Over the course of a remarkable career he has evolved Five Pillars for creating an environment in which the overarching culture is a unified and affirming: Yes! The ultimate goal is to inspire cultural changes in which all boats rise together.   Jerry walks