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72 | How to build a high-performance culture, with Stuart Lancaster



If it were up to Stuart Lancaster, he’d make emotional intelligence, communication and leadership core subjects starting early on in school. The nationally recognized rugby coach and high-performance leadership expert shares his experience and insights  -- on and off the field -- in this episode of the Building Better Cultures podcast. Vision and purpose are the starting point for Stuart, whose online master class distills years of learning gleaned from navigating highly competitive environments. He has observed that the most successful leaders take focused time to know themselves and, with that self-awareness, are able to communicate authentically. That vulnerability, says Stuart, is more than anything else what compels and inspires people to give 110% to whatever team effort. But where do leaders come from? How are they made? Based on his own observations as a coach, Stuart believes age and seniority in no way guarantee the ability to empower and drive teams. Organizations depend on clearly articulated goal