Thrive With Heather Poduska

Thrive Episode # 68 - "How To Succeed In Business: Entrepreneurs Roundtable Discussion" with guests, Chris Salem, Wendy Sabin, Michelle Demers & Karla Driskill (Audio)



"How To Succeed In Business: Entrepreneurs Roundtable Discussion" with guests, Chris Salem, Wendy Sabin, Michelle Demers & Karla Driskill Today we have special entrepreneurial roundtable guests. This is a really special episode with a whole panel of amazing guest experts. They have such amazing content to share with you. It was such a thrill to have them. We have: Wendy Sabin - a business finance expert. Karla Driskill - a leadership and communications expert. Chris Salem - an international best-selling author, a professional speaker, and a life and business strategist. Michelle Demers - a success and productivity expert.   On this episode… 09:29 - What is the best way for you to go about setting a big goal this 2018? 10:13  - Michelle tells about what she does. 10:54 - How should you set your big goals? Why should you be very specific? 12:50 - Chris tells us about what he does. 13:45 - What would be an achievable finance goal this 2018? 15:00 - What does Wendy do for the 7 figure entrepreneurs she work