On Books

Kevin Kelly on The Inevitable, 60s Counterculture, and How to Read Better



This week I was lucky enough to interview one of my favorite people of all time: Kevin Kelly.   Tim Ferriss refers to Kevin as the real-life “Most Interesting Man In The World."    He is one of the co-founders of Wired Magazine, co-founder of the Quantified Self Movement, and serves on the board of The Long Now foundation. He's a prescient writer, inspiring photographer, and prolific traveler.    In this episode we talk about:  * The Counterculture movement of the 60s * Traveling as an act of rebellion * Kevin’s latest book The Inevitable in which he writes that, "Much of what will happen in the next thirty years is inevitable, driven by technological trends that are already in motion.” He'll share some of those predictions with us.  * Lessons on how to read better * And... a book that Kevin wishes everyone in the world read at least one time.