On Books

Peter Singer on doing "The most good you can do", Rapidfire Q&A, and Social Good Startups



Peter Singer is a well known Australian philosopher and author. In 2005 Time magazine named Singer one of the top 100 most influential people of the year. His latest two books The Life You Can Save (2009), and The Most Good You Can Do (2015) explore how you can be a vehicle for change in the world - right now, and without giving up much. Both of which we’ve covered in previous episodes of On Books! In this episode we discuss: * What does it mean to do “the most good"? * Are startups improving the world? * Why did you write The Life You Can Save? * What was it like being one of the first people to petition for animal rights back in the 1970s? My hope is that these three episodes of On Books will inspire you to unleash more good in the world - not only for others, but as you’ll see, for your own happiness and well being. After spending time with Singer, he has opened my eyes to the idea that giving just a little money ($5.00) to the right causes (thelifeyoucansave.org) can be enough to save a human life. Now th