Fire On Your Head

Entering Into God's Presence Without Even Singing Songs | With Dr. Stephen R. Crosby



This week we have returning guest Stephen Crosby on the show mostly to discuss themes in his book, Praise, Worship, and the Presence of God: A Better Way to Worship — A New Covenant Perspective  Here are some bullet points to summarize each section of our conversation: 6:00 - The Worship leader — Access to God through Music? Do they really take us into and out of the presence of God? Nope. No such thing exists. No brokers of His presence. Jesus has done it. We are in God’s presence because of what Jesus did on the cross, and not because of anything the worship leader does. The manifest presence of God is like oxygen in your lungs — it’s something you breathe.  16:05 - The recent history of contemporary worship music and practices ("Restoration of David’s Tent") Have you ever wondered or been asked WHY we do things the way we do in our charismatic services when it comes to the music before the preaching? Chances are you have little idea and neither will the person you ask. We just do it. In 1948 a move of God