Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Benefits of Stocks & Bonds



What we're talking about today is leading off we'll talk about stocks and bonds. Now, you hear the words stocks and bonds together, but we're going to talk about how they're actually different. We're going to talk about what it's like to save at 55. Is it really too late to start planning if you happen to be in your mid 50's? The answer is no, but... Also, we're going to cover a topic about what it's like to use the larger financial firms. The gentlemen I'm here with every weekend actually are independent consultants, but we're going to talk about what it's like to work with the larger wire services and financial firms. Finally, we're going to close out the show with what exactly is a pension plan and where are they? Who does them anymore? There's a few out there. These gentlemen here, David and Gary, will be covering that, as well. For More Information Visit www.RiggWealthManagement.com DISCLOSURE: RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory servic