Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg

Healthcare Costs & Retirement



Now, that fall is here we wanted to bring everybody back in for one big round table discussion. Again, welcome WRR listeners. We are here again to talk about financial strategies and financial management. Our show is different. There's a lot of other financial shows on the airwaves here in Dallas‑Fort Worth, but we really don't do the hard sell. We don't do the hard pitch. We're not here to pitch fear or pitch prosperity. The fact is that we like to get here and talk about what you can do to change your future financially. A lot of it you can do yourself, and a lot of it you'll need some help with. We're here every week to talk about the terms and the vocabulary and to break things down to keep it nice and simple for you so you can learn what you can do. It's foreign to all of us. It's kind of scary and intimidating. The fear of the unknown is significant no matter what it is. It just happens to be the financial talk. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com DISCLAIMER: RIGG Wealth Management offers securit