Expand The Business With Casey Eberhart

10 Fundamentals for Profitable Networking! Episode 12



Howdy~~ I am really excited to have you join me tonight on The Expand The Business Podcast! Well, here at Expand The Business we concentrate on two things. 1. Saving People Time and 2. Making people/businesses more money. There are some serious rules and fundamentals that almost all SUPER CONNECTORS use and follow. This call is all about them. 10 Simple things to follow as you are out networking that will generate a MASSIVE number of referrals and ultimately more profit is what we will be talking about tonight! Let me give you just one of the ten as a THANK YOU for giving this a read. ;) ALWAYS walk into an event KNOWING that you will be giving at least 1 referral to someone at the event. This can be a lead or a true referral that YOU make happen. We will discuss more on the "why" on the podcast! We will be doing this podcast live and would love to have your energy with us!! Also, you might know this already but I run a private mastermind/training/coaching/accountability group. If you are committed to