Cru Podcast | Stories From The People Behind Wine

The Art of Wine Retail with Michael Drapkin



Michael Drapkin is the proprietor, wine educator, and Instagram model behind Kingston Wine Company in the town of Kingston, New York in the Hudson Valley. You can find him wordsmithing wine descriptions on Instagram @kingstonwineco and buy all of his delicious, natural and esoteric wines at Learn more about Michael with the show notes here. In this episode Michael and I dig into where his passion for wine comes from, both the books and the people who influenced him, and the art of wine retail, something that Michael feels is as important, if not more important, than the wines themselves. We also chat about great resources for learning about and finding natural wines, one of those being the natural wine app, Raisin. Before we get into the show, I want to invite you to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and leave a review. Doing so helps other amazing wine lovers, like yourself, find the show and grow this community of folks who are passionate about wine. You can do so on the podcast player on