Cru Podcast | Stories From The People Behind Wine

When Wine Is Your Work, Life, and Community with Sara Morgenstern



Sara Morgenstern is one of those people that if you try to introduce her to someone, she’s already good friends with them and if you ask her to join in on a project, she’ll dive in head first even though her calendar is already fully booked. She’s some what of a local celebrity here in Sonoma County, particularly in Healdsburg for those in the wine industry, most notably for her work at the imported wine shop/bar and grilled cheese joint, Bergamot Alley, but also for her work with 7% Solution, which you’ll learn about in this episode, Banshee Wines, Raft Wines, and now the soon to be 501c3 Winemakers & Sommeliers for California Wildfire Relief and the annual Burgundy festival, Le Paulée de San Francisco coming up from February 27 to March 3, 2018. I really enjoyed chatting with Sara as we not only cover everything that I already mentioned, but we dig into her story, how the recent wildfires have personally affected her, and we try wines from winemakers who she considers her brothers. Learn more about Sara