Doctor Whooch

Doctor Whooch // Episode 075 // Reverse Polarity Chicken



In which we celebrate out 75th-ish episode the same way we always do: stumbling through our thoughts. It's Series finalé time with Clara and The Doctor as Brandon and Danica discuss "Hell Bent" - the final episode of Series 9. What did we think of Clara's re-return and good-bye? Also, all that Gallifrey stuff? And Me? We have a feeling that if you listen, you'll find out. Call it a hunch. A SEXY HUNCH. Also! With the series concluded, and the holidays approaching, we'll be taking some time off. (It is really hard getting hammered on a weekly basis when you only get one day off from work every 3 weeks or so.) You'll be able to catch our next episode before the year is over as we discuss this year's Christmas Special - and then we'll return in the new year with weekly (!) episodes and a new(ish) format. Thank you so much for sticking around for 75 episodes. Hopefully we're around for many more!