Ali Fitness Podcast

Cultivating Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence—with Josh Trent of Wellness Force - EP123



What does wellness mean to you?  Josh Trent contends that it’s about more than our physical and emotional health. Yes, it’s important to have a strong body and mind. And it doesn’t hurt to be surrounded by people who care about us. But to achieve true wellness, Josh believes that our spiritual health is vital. In fact, it’s the only way we can live our truth and lead with our hearts. Josh is the creator of Wellness Force Media and the host of Wellness Force Radio, one of the top-ranked podcasts on iTunes. Josh has published 300-plus high-level interviews with thought leaders in the realm of health, wellness and self-development, and he has been featured on Onnit, Spartan and SealFit, among many other wellness media outlets. Josh is also the CEO of Civilized Caveman, a platform providing practical solutions around wellness, nutrition and personal growth. Today, Josh joins us to discuss the WHY behind Wellness Force, explaining how he used food to deal with difficult emotions as a kid and what inspired him to d