Annie And Danny's Fastpass Podcast

Ep 111 - Planet of the Border Collies



Annie and Dan return and discuss all kinds of non-Disney topics this week, including Dan enjoying feeling smug, fooling his dogs, and more of Dan's break-down of Harry Potter. They also talk about Annie's dislike for Newsies, and her trip to the Dentist. The Harry Potter discussion this time focuses mostly on Wizard Bachelors and the insane behavior of Dolores Umbridge. They spend a few minutes talking about the movie Logan Lucky, which they both saw this week. For those of you who want to avoid spoilers, that's minute 42:12 to minute 52:00.  Lastly they talk about Dan's issues with the current Fastpass Plus bias toward the East Coast, and how unfair it is for him and his white privilege that he had to wake up early.