Debt Free In 30

57 – How Did They Find Me?



Today's guest is Blair Demarco-Wettlaufer, Managing Partner of Kingston Data & Credit, a collection agency servicing Canada and parts of the United States. Blair is a past guest from show #20 where we discussed the collections process and how to stop collection calls. He's back to give us an insider's perspective about ways that collection agents find debtors, including the use of social media to do it, and what you should do once they've successfully contacted you.   Gone are the days when collection agents sat smoking at their desks, flipping through index cards and telephone books to find ways to contact debtors. Blair explains that today, there is no shortage of information available to the general public and debt collectors because there are ridiculous amounts of data available now through the internet, through databases, through information technology, and a lot of people aren't aware of what can and can't be used.