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108 – Victory Lap Retirement with Jonathan Chevreau and Mike Drak



Today’s podcast is the first ever podcast interview with Jonathan Chevreau and Mike Drak together, talking about their new book Victory Lap Retirement.  This is so exclusive an interview that the book won’t even be officially released until October 10, 2016 but it is available for pre-order at, and the Kindle version is available now. Jonathan was a guest back on Show #5 where we discussed his previous book, Findependence Day. Mike Drak created the concept of a Victory Lap as an alternative to retirement, and teamed up with Jonathan to write their new book. So what is a Victory Lap? You will have to read the book for a full description, but as Jonathan and Mike and I discussed the concept of retirement has changed significantly.  Our grandparents and parents had a good chance of working at the same company until aged 65, and then retiring with a full pension before dying at age 70. Today almost no-one works at the same company for their entire working life, and most employers no longer offer full p