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131 – How to Master Being Suddenly Single



How could you cope if, due to divorce or the death of your partner, you became suddenly single? That question is the theme of a new book, CEO of Everything, Flying Solo and Soaring, co-authored by Gail Vaz-Oxlade and my guest today, Victoria Ryce.  As they say in their book, the biggest adjustment when you become suddenly single is that: Everything in the house is now your job: when the smoke alarm starts beeping, when the water stops flowing, when the microwave blows ups, you must act.  Grass will grow and you will cut it.  Snow will fall and you will shovel it.  The cat will puke on the carpet and you will clean it up. As a suddenly single person you worry about what people will think, whether or not you will lose your friends, and whether or not you will always be alone.  Sudden changes are emotionally draining. What's Victoria’s advice to stay sane and regain control?  All that and more on today’s show.