Debt Free In 30

139 – Seniors and Finance With Vanessa Benedict



Many seniors are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Our 2017 Joe Debtor study showed that the total number of debtors who are seniors is now 12%, up from 2015's 10% and up again from 2013's 8%. With fixed incomes, potential long-term care options and adult children to think about, there are a lot of ways seniors can end up in debt. My guest today is Vanessa Benedict, a Wealth Advisor with one of the largest banks in Canada. Vanessa's job covers everything from estate planning, financial planning and investment portfolios. Vanessa has many seniors as clients and is always surprised when someone in their 60's still has significant mortgage debt. These are people who saw their parents live so frugally and wanted more for themselves, and for their children. But how much is too much, and who do you turn to for advice? All that and more on today’s show.