Debt Free In 30

145 – Poverty Reduction: What Can We Do? – With Tom Cooper



We know from our Joe Debtor study that the average person in Ontario who files a consumer proposal or bankruptcy has an income that is almost 40% lower than the median income in Ontario. Low or sporadic incomes make it difficult to keep up with the cost of living. The Ontario government has recognized this fact and has started a pilot project for basic income in three cities across the province. Hamilton is one of those cities, and with me today is Tom Cooper, Director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, to discuss how this pilot project may help alleviate poverty in Hamilton. This basic income pilot project is an initiative to reduce poverty in our province and provide people with a basic standard of living. Many existing benefits are not enough for people to pay rent, food, and transportation costs. As a result, more people turn to debt to make ends meet as noted in our 2017 Joe Debtor study. On today’s show we discuss basic income and a living wage as a way to increase incomes in Ontario.