Debt Free In 30

150 – Bankruptcy Myths with Leigh Taylor



We just celebrated Canada's 150th birthday and this is Debt Free in 30 episode number 150 so to celebrate both of these milestones I'm bringing back a guest from one of our most popular shows ever. Back in season number one, show number 33, originally broadcast in April of 2015, my guest was Leigh Taylor and the topic of that show was smart ways to pay off debt. Even though that show aired more than two years ago it is still downloaded many times each month and as of today it is one of the top three downloaded shows in the history of this podcast. That tells me that Leigh was a great guest because that show has been shared many times by our listeners. So today, two years later, I'm bringing Leigh back for round number two. Today I want to ask Leigh about debt and bankruptcy myths. We get a lot of information from the internet and that information is not always accurate so today we're going to dispel the top debt myths that Leigh and I encounter as we help people with their debts. On today’s show Leigh Taylor