Debt Free In 30

152 – REBROADCAST: Why We Expect Tighter, More Expensive Mortgage Markets



When this show first aired back at the end of November, 2016, the real estate markets were booming, and mortgages were easy to get, but my guest, Ben Rabidoux, had some very specific predictions. First, he predicted that Ontario would implement a foreign buyers tax, just like happened in Vancouver.  Bingo.  In April of this year, five months after we aired this interview, the Ontario government announced a 15% tax on foreign real estate buyers. Second, he also predicted that mortgages would be more difficult to get in 2017.  Right again, as the problems at Home Capital, one of the biggest alternative mortgage lenders in Canada made it a lot more difficult for some buyers to get a mortgage. So Ben was correct on these predictions, and a few others, so I’m not surprised with that track record that this was one of our most downloaded episodes.