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164 – Why a House Does Not Guarantee Financial Security



Everyone thinks that a house provides both stability and financial security, but on today's show, we'll explain why that is not always the case. It is true that if you live in the same home for many years, you have stability. But there are significant costs to owning a house. You pay real estate commissions when you move, but you also pay a penalty to break a fixed mortgage. As we explain on today's show, the penalty for breaking your mortgage can be a lot higher than you expect. The big banks have found a loophole that allows them to charge a bit Interest Rate Differential penalty, even when rates are rising, and if house prices are not increasing, the penalty to break your mortgage and closing costs can eliminate the profit on your house. Before you buy a house and sign up for a five year mortgage, be sure that you are not likely to need to move for five years, and confirm that you can afford to pay all of the costs of living in your house (since costs are more than just a mortgage payment).