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165 – Do I Lose My RDSP If I Go Bankrupt?



Registered Disabilities Savings Plans are geared towards helping families and individuals who are living with a disability. RDSPs can only be setup for someone who is eligible to receive the Disability Tax Credit. If this is for your child, you can only begin making contributions after your child is diagnosed with an eligible disability. This is one of the main reasons RDSPs aren't as commonly used, or as frequently discussed. On this week's podcast we're welcoming back Alan Whitton, the voice behind the Canadian Personal Finance blog. This is a subject close to Alan as he and his wife found themselves having to set up an RDSP for their son. After familiarizing themselves with the ins and outs of the Disability Tax Credit, they sought help from their doctor to obtain it. On today’s show we discuss how they work, who is eligible, and what happens if you have an RDSP and file bankruptcy.