Debt Free In 30

169 – Let's Call a Spade a Spade: Credit is Debt



Have you ever wondered why a credit card isn’t called a debt card like it should be? Think about it. That’s what a credit card really does – it gives you debt. Well, I’ll tell you why. Because it’s not good marketing. And credit card companies know this. In Myth 4 of my book, Straight Talk on your Money, I point out that financial institutions know we are guided by our emotions. Banks and credit card companies have manipulated you into thinking that credit is good, and they do it constantly. Credit can also be used to describe a source of pride or honour like, 'you are a credit to your family.' Here's another example: "I'm a good person because I have a high credit score." How many times has been idea been shared? That maintaining a good credit score means you're responsible with your money and you're not a reckless spender. I disagree. Although my focus today isn't on credit scores - I already discussed that on my podcast a couple weeks back, episode 167 - I will say that a credit score, which should (once a