Debt Free In 30

183 – A Balanced Look at the Real Estate Market



Talking real estate isn't a first for the Debt Free in 30 podcast. We've had many experts like Hilliard Macbeth, Ben Rabidoux, and Alex Avery provide their insight on whether renting is better than buying and vice versa. But we've never had the most obvious guest to talk real estate: an actual realtor. On today's show, we're chatting with Scott Ingram. Scott's not just a realtor, though. He's also a Chartered Professional Accountant. But what really sets him apart is that he likes to empower his buyers by educating them. On today’s show Scott Ingram tells us how many realtors there are in Toronto (it’s a huge number), and he tells us what real estate statistics we should watch, and which ones we should ignore.