Debt Free In 30

188 – Why More Women are Filing Bankruptcy



In our latest bankruptcy study, we discovered that over the last 5 years women have been filing for bankruptcy in higher numbers. In 2012, 42% of women filed insolvency and by 2017 that number reached 48%. But, it's not that women are suddenly using more debt. What we've noted from our client data is that female debtors face a unique set of challenges that drive women to turn to debt to makes end meet and then prevent them from being able to keep up with their debt repayment. For example, two thirds of women are either single or divorced and struggle to manage expenses on a single income. Moreover, women earn 9% less than male debtors and are also 3 times more likely to be a single parent than a male debtor. This is what our average female client looks like. But, why is it that women are increasingly finding themselves in trouble with debt? What can they do to better tackle debt problems in addition to other life challenges? Sharing their expertise today are guests Gail Vaz-Oxlade, Kerry K. Taylor, and our Tr