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199 – The Diderot Effect: How to Get Out of a Spending Spiral



What causes us to spend beyond our means? While in some cases it's the result of a job loss or illness, in other situations, it's the Diderot Effect at play. The Diderot Effect is a social phenomenon where the introduction of a new possession that deviates from what you currently own leads to a spiral of even more consumption. For example, when you buy a new house, you don't just settle for the home. You now have to have new furniture, maybe a new deck, and so on. This creates a cycle of spending and leads to debt. How do we, then, prevent ourselves from becoming a victim of this effect? How do we control a spending spiral? My guest today suggests thinking critically about what we see on social media and on television is a great place to start. Robert Gignac works on behalf of advisors and financial professionals to help their clients better understand money management. He's also the author of Rich is a State of Mind: Building Wealth and Happiness: A Blueprint. In his experience, ordinary people become victim