Debt Free In 30

220 – The Cold-Hard Truth About Unlicensed Debt Consultants



Indebted Canadians pay at least $24 million a year for what is often unnecessary debt advice. How does this happen? Well, when you have overwhelming debt, you're not just thinking about the money. There's also an emotional element: You're stressed, anxious, and worried about your future. Enter unlicensed debt consultants. They know that you fear going bankrupt, or even talking with a bankruptcy trustee. They take advantage of your vulnerability and offer you a comforting sales pitch about how they can get you a better plan to eliminate your debt. In the end, they do nothing except refer you to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee for a consumer proposal. But before they do, they also have you sign a contract to pay them thousands of dollars in fees for that referral. On today's podcast, we get some insight from our special guest who experienced this exact scenario and explain how you can avoid falling into this same trap.