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228 – Buying and Maintaining an Affordable Car



The best way to control your auto expenses is to buy a car you can afford.  This keeps your monthly car loan payments low (since you borrow less) and ensures that you don't over-finance. But how do you buy an affordable car that fits within your budget?  Should you buy new or used?  If it's used, how can you know it's reliable? Enter Scott Marshall. With 30 years of experience in the driver training industry, he shares his first-hand knowledge of how to make car ownership affordable. He also suggests that there is a correlation between safe driving and saving money. 8 Ways to Make Car Ownership Affordable Scott shares the following tips for successfully keeping your car buying costs low: Buy used. According to Scott, a used car is a great way to achieve affordability. A used vehicle can be reliable if you're strategic in your purchase and maintain your car well.  Buy a car that's only 3 or 4 years old. Your car will still be very close to the most modern vehicle, but at only 60% of the cost. Don't worry abou