Unlock People's Potential

Know Your Why — This Is How You'll Be An Inspiring Leader



What does ‘Start With Why’ mean? Why do some entrepreneurs not take the time to 'know their why' or define with clarity, the purpose of their organization? What should a leader observe if he or she wants to hire someone with the same passions and beliefs? What are the common symptoms for individuals and organizations that do not have clarity on their WHY? How can a company re-focus itself if it's lost connection with its WHY? What happens when a business shapes its core belief around attracting a large audience instead of shaping it around their WHY? Is it possible, in an authentic way, for marketers to change people’s beliefs? And much more! In this episode of Unlock People’s Potential, Guerric de Ternay interviews Peter Docker, a man whose WHY is to enable people to be extraordinary in what they do. Since 2011, Peter has worked in partnership with Simon Sinek (author of the global bestseller Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action) and the Start With Why team to help organizatio