Birds In A Tree

Jenny - "When I Had My Miscarriage It Was News To Me That It Was A Common Experience"



Jenny and her husband have two beautiful boys, but there have been bumps on their parenthood journey. Jenny suffered a miscarriage in her first pregnancy, and felt as though she was not supposed to talk about her loss or even have feelings. Through her second pregnancy, she hoped for a natural childbirth at a birthing enter, but after more than twenty hours and the diagnosis of infection, she rushed to the hospital and had to have an emergency c-section. Also, after suffering from debilitating migraines for many years, she made the decision on the advice of medical specialists to undergo a hysterectomy. All of these challenges have made her stronger. Her hope is that by talking openly about her struggles, more mothers will feel that they have permission to feel their feelings and talk about the more difficult parts of parenthood.