Birds In A Tree

Kendall - "When I Started My Company I Thought 'Well, It'll Work Or It'll Be A Colossal Failure, And That Wouldn't Be The End Of The World'"



Kendall is the mother of two girls, and is one of the bravest boss women I know. Before becoming a mother, Kendall decided that instead of working for a company, she wanted to start her own graphic design business.  So she took business classes, got mentors, networked, and taught herself how to become an entrepreneur. Ten years later, she and her husband run an incredibly successful graphic design company.  Kendall admits that after the birth of her second daughter, she had a lot of mommy guilt about not being able to do it all, and after the sale of their house in Baltimore, made another drastic change for the health and well being of the family. And because I am unashamed of plugging of my friends and their endeavors, if you need some graphic design work done, visit their website at