Birds In A Tree

Mark - "Husbands Are Fully Capable. You Can Leave The Kids With Us For Days On End, They Will Still Get Bathed, Fed, Go To Bed At A Reasonable Hour"



Mark is the other half of the parenting/business/success team of our last guest, Kendall. When Kendall brought Mark the idea of moving back to his rural hometown, it took a minute to believe she was serious. He had a full-time job in the city, they had friends and social obligations, but he had always longed for his daughters to have a connection to his hometown the way he did. There was one small catch - Mark needed to convince his job that it was feasible. He did, and he spent the first six months commuting back to the city for work. When his daughter told him that she was sad he was gone so much, Mark made another major life decision for the health of his family. We talk all about big life choices, raising daughters and why portrayals of fathers in the media are all wrong.