Discover The Road With Kirk Wheeler

Episode 12: Joel Martin – Bending Strings, Eating Raw, and The Capacity For Healing



Joel Martin is an extremely versatile musician who is a composer and the driving force behind the power-pop band, The Running Jumps. He plays guitar, pedal steel, and loves the mellotron. I first met Joel years ago through mutual friends and we have worked on many different kinds of creative projects together over that time. His band The Running Jumps is inspired by the likes of Guided By Voices, Superdrag and the psychedelic leanings of the Beatles. One of the things that I love about the band is the attention to detail in all aspects of the production, down to the incredible artwork that evokes the feeling of the 70′s and yet still retains a modern dreamy flavor. Joel has worked closely with my previous guest Chris Schwab on many of his films and in the score for Look Closer you can hear just how versatile Joel is as a musician. Joel is also a raw vegan, and we kick this show off by talking about his reasons for adopting this lifestyle and how it has impacted his energy and focus. About halfway through the