Dentist Brain Candy

EP122: A Weekend of Call



This weekend I was on call and so I discuss three cases that I came across. The first case had a history of a dental extractions approximately 3 weeks ago that did not resolve and was admitted with gas in the pterygomandibular and the buccal space. The second case was a trauma case of someone that was assaulted with fists and had oss of consciousness and a small subdural bleed. This patient was taken to the main operating room and had open reduction internal fixation of a lefort 1, lefort two and right side zygoma fracture. The third case that I discuss is a young man that tripped and fell on a cable and broke his jaw in two places and was taken to the operating room where he was wired closed and then fixated with plates and screws. Please go to the interesting cases section at to see pictures of these cases.