Fail To Learn: Teaching Stories From Business, Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Blogging, Freelance, & Entrepreneurs.

FtL 20: Slow Growth Wasn’t The Goal Of ActiveCampaign’s CEO But, In Hindsight, It Was The Right Thing To Do



Today I talk with Jason VandeBoom. Jason is the founder and CEO of ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform used by many online and offline businesses. It has evolved to become a unique solution that excels in the arena it plays in. Jason started the company in 2003. They offered email, marketing, and customer support type software you uploaded and installed on your own server. You had to be slightly techn savvy to understand the details and get it up and running. And that caused some issues. In 2010 they decided to slip away from those products and focus on one ideal solution. And that's where Jason found his struggles and thinks they would be different today if they made some different decisions. Here's what we discuss: How they decided to transition from 8 products to only one, ActiveCampaign. Why you don't want to sell tech heavy software to tech fearing people. How they survived going from selling 4 and 5 figure purchase contracts to offering a single product starting at $9 per