Fail To Learn: Teaching Stories From Business, Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Blogging, Freelance, & Entrepreneurs.

FtL 26: Turnkey Business Opportunities Fail Too, With Ryan Healy



How would you recognize a legitimate business investmentopportunity if it was presented to you today? That’s a questionRyan Healy didn’t know how to answer 16 years ago.Ryan has become one of the best direct response copywriterstoday. And many years ago, before he had the knowledge he hastoday, he was a hyper-responder to good copy. And that’s what ledto his incredible story.What we talk about in this show:Why Ryan was hyper-responsive to direct mail.How he analyzes what he went through before investingin the business opportunity.The advice he received when refinancing his home to buy thisbusiness.Why he went through with the loan even though he didn’t feelgood about lying to get the loan.How advertising worked to get him to spend $30,000 for thisbusiness opportunity.How hustle couldn’t save this business.Why he couldn’t keep up with the demand and couldn’t afford toquit his day job to do it full-time.Why he ignored good advice from his banker and still boughtinto this business – and how you could do the same