Louder Than Ever

Episode 2: Tits Down



This week on Louder Than Ever, Hailey and Mary discuss lighthearted topics such as racism, politics, and divorce. Find out which Ivermorny houses we were sorted into, what our first fan letter said, and meet our first guest podcaster, Mary's 13 year old cat Cricket.   ----------------------------- Please support Louder Than Ever by clicking that SUBSCRIBE button! Also, please give us a rating on iTunes. We recommend doing this and going straight for the 5 Stars before you even listen... That way you can't take them back. You can also Like our page on Facebook and follow us on both Twitter and Instagram @LTEPodcast Also, e-mail us funny memes or questions or feedback or just about anything to LouderThanEverPodcast@gmail.com You can find Hailey across all social media @HaileyAlizabeth and Mary @sparkilini